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​​​​​AMCOMET-6, online, 15-16 May, 1200-1500 GMT​

The Sixth Session of the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET-6), 15-16 May 2024, 1200-1500 GMT.

AMCOMET Sessions provide a platform for the African meteorological sector and related stakeholders and partners to regularly take stock of progress made in the development and application of meteorology for Africa's socio-economic development. It also offers an opportunity for African ministers responsible for meteorology to provide the necessary policy and political guidance on matters related to meteorology on the continent. The Sixth Ordinary Session of the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET-6) will take place virtually on 16 May 2024 from 12h00 GMT. It will be preceded by the meeting of experts (Directors of NMHSs) on 15 May 2024.

The Session will meet to consider and adopt the implementation and resource mobilisation plan of the Integrated African Strategy on Meteorology adopted by AU Heads of State.

The session will also review the implementation of previous decisions.

A new Bureau will be elected.





Report of the Secretariat




Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation, Resource & Mobilisation plan



Implementation Plan AMCOMET Strategy for Expert Segment.pdf

Re​commendations and Decisions of AMCOMET-6

Recommendations and Decisions of AMCOMET 6.pdf