The office of president of Regional Association VI, became vacant in September 2022, based on the provisions of General Regulation 9. In accordance with General Regulation 137(b) and based on the Decision 44 of the seventy-sixth session of the Executive Council, the Regional Association VI of the World Meteorological Organization received authorisation to hold an extraordinary session in 2023. This extraordinary session was approved in order to enable the Regional Association to hold elections for the offices of president and vice-president. The terms of office for the elected president and vice-president of the association will run from the end of this extraordinary session until the end of the next ordinary session of the association, at which an election of officers is to be held in accordance with General Regulation 10.
Venue and methods of work
The extraordinary session of the Regional Association VI (RA VI) will be opened by the WMO RA VI acting president, Mr Roar Skälin on 23 May 2023 at 13:00 CEST in the Plenary B room of the International Conference Centre Geneva. Online participation will be enabled through Zoom videoconference facilities.
For in-person participants: Cg-19 - CICG ( and Plenary B | CICG will help you find the way to the venue.
For online participants: Connection link will be sent to all participants pre-registered for the RA VI-Ext (2023) session via the WMO online Event Registration System (ERS). Cg-19 - Online Participation ( provides more information.
Regulation 20 of the WMO General Regulations (Basic documents No. 1, 2021 edition (WMO-No. 15)) requests Members to provide credentials for their delegations for the session with a clear indication of the principal delegate and the alternate. In view of the convening of this extraordinary session in the margins of the Nineteenth World Meteorological Congress (Cg-19), on an exceptional basis, the credentials for delegations attending Cg-19, will be valid for participation at the extraordinary session of the association.
Permanent Representatives are kindly invited to act as focal points for the online registration of their delegation to Cg-19. The link to the online Event Registration System (ERS), the username and password that were sent to Permanent Representatives by email remain valid for all WMO Constituent body meetings including Cg-19. Please note that the online registration will close on 15 May 2023. For further information concerning online pre-registration, please do not hesitate to contact the WMO Secretariat by email at:
Nomination Committee
In view of the very limited duration of the session and its specific nature, a Nomination Committee shall be established in accordance with Regulation 25 to prepare and submit to the Regional Association a list of nominees for each office for which an election is to be held. As a meeting of the Nomination Committee was required to be held in advance of the session, representatives of Members interested in comprising the Nomination Committee were invited to contact the acting president of the Region, Dr Roar Skålin no later than 16 May 2023, to express their interest in participation.
The Extraordinary session will have only one Document - Agenda and Organizational Matters (Doc.1) The final list of participants will be available after the meeting.
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