Voting modalities – Q&A
Voting modalities - Q&A.pdf
Proxy voting templates
AR - Proxyform-Voting-SERCOM-3-24239_ar.docx
EN - Proxyform-Voting-SERCOM-3-24239_en.doc
ES - Proxyform-Voting-SERCOM-3-24239_es.docx
FR - Proxyform-Voting-SERCOM-3-24239_fr.docx
RU - Proxyform-Voting-SERCOM-3-24239_ru.docx
ZH - Proxyform-Voting-SERCOM-3-24239_zh.docx
Email vote
AR - SERCOM-3-Voting-Instructions-24217_ar.pptx
EN - SERCOM-3-Voting-Instructions-24217_en.pptx
ES - SERCOM-3-Voting-Instructions-24217_es.pptx
FR - SERCOM-3-Voting-Instructions-24217_fr.pptx
RU - SERCOM-3-Voting-Instructions-24217_ru.pptx
ZH - SERCOM-3-Voting-Instructions-24217_zh.pptx
Candidates profiles
Candidates for the position of SERCOM president
Candidates for the position of SERCOM vice-president
Key dates for SERCOM-3 voters
Election information
(Please check further down the election process explanatory note and voting guide)
- Elections for the president and vice-presidents of SERCOM will take place on 8 March 2024 under Agenda item 10. A vote will only be required for any of the positions where there are more candidates than vacant positions.
- In the event that a vote is required for any of the positions, only Principal Delegates or Designated Alternates of SERCOM Members with voting rights and valid credentials (i.e eligible Member representatives) will be able to participate in a vote.
- In the event that a vote is required, the WMO online voting system will be used to facilitate the participation of representatives who are physically attending the session as well as those who are participating online, in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2 (d) the Remote Participation Regime for Technical Commission.
- In order to participate in a vote, if required, Principal Delegates/Designated Alternates will need to use a personal device that connects to the internet, e.g. smart phone, laptop, tablet.
- The WMO online voting system has already successfully been used by EC members in 2023, for the selection of the 68th IMO Prize. The WMO online e-Voting platform was developed and is maintained by Scytl Election Technologies, a leading service provider in election modernization and secure online voting services. The system provides a safe, secure and confidential platform to conduct votes. The system employs encryption technology to secure the transmission and storage of votes, anonymize voter data and voter identity. In addition, there are strict controls and authentication mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access to the voting system.
- Eligible Principal Delegates or Designated Alternates, who are registered in the Event Registration System and have submitted credentials to participate at SERCOM-3, will be receiving an e-mail from: starting from 22 February 2024, providing them with initial information on preparations to access the e-voting system. Credentials must be submitted no later than 28th February 2024, in order to participate in the test vote.
- Principal Delegates/Designated Alternates will be invited to familiarise themselves with the voting system through a vote test to be conducted from 4 to 6 March 2024.
- Principal Delegates/Designated Alternates are kindly requested to pay close attention to the guidance that will be provided in the correspondence on voting. In this respect, guidance for the white-listing of IP addresses, deadlines for requested information and retaining log-in details, is paramount.
- Please be aware that failure to provide requested information within the required timelines, may result in delays in the election process, if a vote is required.
- In accordance with the provisions of General Regulation 63, it is the Nomination Committee, to be confirmed at the Opening session of SERCOM, that shall bring a list of proposed candidates to the Commission for compilation.
- In the event that it is not possible to undertake a vote, if required, using the WMO e-voting system, a real-time e-mail vote will be undertaken at the session and details would be provided for the same.
- In accordance with Rule 6.17 of the Rules of Procedure for Technical Commissions, the quorum for election of officers should be in accordance with Regulation 147. If a quorum for the election of officers is not obtained at a meeting, the full list of candidates should be referred by correspondence to the Permanent Representatives of Members of the Organization represented on the commission with voting rights.
- A summary table of relevant Articles of the Convention, General Regulations and Rules of Procedures for Technical Commissions governing Election of Officers is included below for easy reference.
WMO Convention and General Regulations
Rules of Procedure for Technical Commissions
Explanatory note and Voting guide
AR 2024-SERCOM-3-Voting Guide.pdf
EN 2024-SERCOM-3-Voting Guide.pdf
ES 2024-SERCOM-3-Voting Guide.pdf
FR 2024-SERCOM-3-Voting Guide.pdf
RU 2024-SERCOM-3-Voting Guide.pdf
ZH 2024-SERCOM-3-Voting Guide.pdf