The second session of the Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (SERCOM-2) will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, from 17 to 21 October 2022, as physical meeting with possibility of online participation.
The SERCOM-2 session will be followed by the second session of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM-2) from 24 to 28 October 2022.
In the weekend between the two sessions, on the 22 October 2022, there will be a Technical Conference on the theme "The UN Global Early Warning Initiative for Climate Adaption: Early Warnings For All".
Health information
In indoor spaces, where a lot of people from different households congregate, wearing a mask, sneezing or coughing into a tissue or the crook of your arm and thoroughly washing your hands regularly contribute to reducing infections.
- Latest press release from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health about COVID-19:
- COVID situation in Switzerland (dated 6 October):
Registration and credentials
Online pre-registration is required for all participants. Permanent Representatives are invited to register themselves, their altnernates and delegates through the Online Registration System (ERS). More information concerning online pre-registration is provided under the section Online Registration and Credentials of this website. Zoom links have been sent to registered participants.
The Registration Desk in WMO will be open on Monday 17 October, at 7:30 AM. Participants are requested to be ready for a prompt start of the session at 9:00 AM.
Tentative workplan
The tentative work plan for the session is provided in the Tentative workplan section (left-hand menu) of this website. The tentative work plan is subject to changes, as it provides only an initial indication of the meetings and agenda items that will be taken up at the session.
Working languages
Simultaneous interpretation into Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish will be provided during plenary sessions.
Members willing to comment or ask clarifying questions on the documents ahead of the session can do so through the email address, noting, however, that only interventions during the sessions will be considered valid proposals to amend the documents.
For what concerns documents containing recommendations from SERCOM to the Executive Council or Congress on matters of common interest of SERCOM and INFCOM that need to be confirmed by a decision of INFCOM, Members are invited to provide their comments and proposals at SERCOM:
- Doc. 5.1(1) - Updates to the Manual on GDPFS (WMO-No. 485) proposed by SERCOM Standing Committees (INFCOM Doc 6.4(2))
- Doc. 5.1(2) - Amendments to the Appendix to General Provisions (INFCOM Doc 7.1)
- Doc. 5.1(5) - Review of BIP-M and BIP-MT (Part VI and Appendix A of Vol. I) of the technical regulations (WMO No. 49) (INFCOM Doc 6.8(6))
- Doc. 5.5(6) - Update of the mechanism for recognition of Long-Term Observing Stations (INFCOM Doc 6.8(3))
- Doc. 8 – Recommended amendments to the rules of procedure for technical commissions (INFCOM Doc 7.2)
- Doc. 11.1 - Review of resolutions and recommendations of the previous commission structure (INFCOM Doc 7.6)
Recommended documents for adoption without debate
Updated list of documents recommended by the Officers for adoption without debate following their meeting of 14 September 2022:
- Doc. 4 – Review of resolutions of Congress and the Executive Council related to the Commission
- Doc. 5.3 – Updates to Guide on Agricultural Meteorological Practices (WMO-No. 134)
- Doc. 5.4 – Services for Aviation - Update to WMO Guides in Aeronautical Meteorology (WMO-Nos. 732 and 904)
- Doc. 5.5(4) – Fourth edition of the Guide to Climatological Practices (WMO-No. 100)
- Doc. 5.5(5) – Climate Data Requirements and Solutions
- Doc. 5.8(1) – Marine Environmental Emergency Response and Search and Rescue
- Doc. 5.9 – Integrated energy services
- Doc. 5.11 – Integrated urban services
- Doc. 9.1 – Coordination with other WMO bodies
- Doc. 9.2 – Advice from the Hydrological Coordination Panel
- Doc. 11.1 – Review of resolutions and recommendations of the previous commission structure
- Doc. 11.2 – Review of previous resolutions and decisions of the Commission and evaluation of implementation of relevant actions
Information documents
Information documetns (INFs) can be found from "Information Documents" tab at the top right of the page.
Information documents containing the code “MT” in their file name have been translated for your convenience using machine translation and translation memory technologies. Reasonable efforts have been made by WMO to improve the quality of the resulting translation, however no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, is made as to its accuracy, reliability, or correctness. Any discrepancies or differences which might have occurred when translating the content of the original document into the target language are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance, enforcement, or any other purpose. Some content (such as images) may not be translated due to the technical limitations of the system. If any questions arise related to the accuracy of the information contained in the translated document, please refer to the English original which is the official version of the document.
How to download documents?

Reference publications
List of participants
A provisional list of participants will be uploaded on the session website shortly after the beginning of the session. This list will be updated on a daily basis.
A survey will be sent to all participants who have attended the sessions at the end of the session.
Contact information
For questions regarding the registration, please contact the WMO Conference Services at