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Title Side event: WMO best kept secret - Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM) 20 years and continuing
Location Salle Obasi
Start Time 18/10/2022 17:00
End Time 18/10/2022 18:00
The side event will present testimonials and milestones of the 20+ years of activities implemented by the APFM, underlining its impacts in promoting the concept of Integrated Flood Management to WMO Members and presenting the way forward in the expansion of its HelpDesk. This side event will be an opportunity to identify current flood management issues in WMO Members and how APFM programme and Support Base Partners could potentially support the National Hydrological and Meteorological Services in timely managing the flood events. This side-event will be the evening before the discussion of Doc 5.7 on Hydrological Services and could be a good opportunity to remind SERCOM members about the Integrated Flood Management (IFM) HelpDesk, hydrological knowledge base, and our network of partners having expertise in various aspects of flood management.

Join Zoom Meeting HERE

Meeting ID: 827 8961 4520

Passcode: 749869
Category Side Event
All Day Event  
1.APFM side event-SERCOM-2.pptx    
2 Project VFDM_English - APFM side event-VBA.pptx    
3.Raising Awareness on Early-Warning System in Papua - SERCOM 18 October 2022 - Graziela.pptx    
4.WMO SERCOM Gender mainstreaming into EWS_ slides_MHEWS October 18 2022 1.pptx    
Provisional Agenda-SERCOM Side event-APFM-final.docx    
WMO APFM side event flyer_compressed.pdf    
Content Type: Event